Selena Gomez is campaign to encourage children to drink milk

One of the star of Disney, the actress and singer Selena Gomez has a campaign to promote healthy lifestyle for children and adolescents. She was clicked taking milk to encourage consumption of the drink. "I want to be an example. I like to spread good things and most important is to show children the importance of being healthy and exercise."
Miley Cyrus

The young star Miley Cyrus posted a message on Twitter irritated against whom the attack calling it the "fat" on the Internet. The criticism against the singer for 16 years, known worldwide for interpreting the rock teenager Hannah Montana series and movie in Disney's homonyms, which began after Cyrus made jokes about the fact that your thighs are more "glued than usual." "Speak what you want. I have my faults. I am a normal girl and has things in my body will still change, but stop calling me fat," said the singer. "I do not like that word. This shows that you detestáveis people, they use words to hurt are those that leave marks on people, causing damage to themselves or others. Children can get hurt. This is not something that can be seen as a joke, "continued the star. Cyrus also said that people who spend much time on gossip sites, should read the Bible or stories and articles about the consequences of abuse on the internet. This set of aggressive practices, intentional and repetitive that are adopted by one or more persons against others, using electronic means to do so, as internet and mobile phones, is known as ciberbullying. A survey conducted in the United States by the non-governmental organization Antidifamação League (ADL, the acronym in English) shows that half of American teenagers is affected by ciberbullying, either through e-mails, instant messages, cell phones, text or websites. The practice of ciberbullying has the power to be so emotionally devastating that can even lead to suicide victims of the attacks, which led 37 U.S. states to adopt a more stringent legislation regarding the school rules against this type of abuse, in the last 10 years. Miley Cyrus is the victim of attacks on the web
Paris Hilton wants to be star of Quentin Tarantino

Paris Hilton wants to be star of Quentin Tarantino
Paris Hilton After seeing the new film by Quentin Tarantino, Bastards inglorious, Paris Hilton (House of Wax) liked so much that she showed a willingness to return to work and be the new "bride" of the film, role of Uma Thurman in Kill Bill, according to The Mirror newspaper. "I loved every minute of the film. Always wanted to do a reality show work, but he (Tarantino) is a director who makes me feel like work," said. In the plot, Brad Pitt (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) is the Captain Aldo Raine, a non-Jewish leader of the battalion known as "The Bastards". The unit "brutal" is composed by Jewish Americans and Germans who are fighting against the Nazis. Eli Roth (Hostel O 2) plays the Sergeant Donny Donowitz, known as "the Jew-Bear" has a peculiar way to kill your enemies, your weapon is a baseball bat. Samuel L. Jackson (1408) and Marcel, projecionista film that works to Shosanna, which tells the story of the group of rebels. Still part of the cast Simon Pegg (Marathon of Love), BJ Novak (The Office of the series), the Austrian Christoph Waltz, Diane Kruger (The Hunt) and Paul Rust (The Aloprados).
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